Application Process

Impact100 Nashville awards grants to nonprofits in our community that address the focus area stipulated in our Eligibility Criteria. Eligible nonprofits may submit a Letter of Intent to apply for grant funding of up to $100,000. We recommend reading our eligibility criteria before proceeding.

Member volunteers review and score Letters of Intent based on 4 criteria before selecting a subset of organizations to complete a full grant application:

1. Overall mission, vision of organization
2. Meeting unique need in the community
3. Proposed use of grant dollars
4. Shows clear programming specific to the focus area identified each year.

Important Dates:

Jun 1 – Jun 30: Open Call for LOI Submissions

Aug 12 – Sep 13: Grant Applications Open for Selected Organizations

Oct 21 – Nov 8: Site Visits for Semi Finalists

Nov 19: Annual Voting Event


Focus Areas

Impact100 Nashville will award a grant up to $100,000 to a non-profit organization that seeks to make a significant impact in the Middle Tennessee community. Specifically, we are seeking to award this grant to a non-profit that offers creative and innovative services to its population and is able to show that the results of their services create a meaningful impact on the population it serves.

Eligibility Requirements
  • Have average gross revenue above $500,000 and below $5,000,000 for past three fiscal years
  • Defined as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Organizations serving the 10 counties in the Nashville Economic Market (Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Maury, Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, Wilson)
  • Able to provide at least three full years (36 months) of independently prepared, audited, or reviewed financial statements
Grant FAQs
  • How should I submit my application?
  • Can our organization submit applications in more than one Focus Area?
  • Can we submit a proposal for more than $100,000?
  • Will you consider a proposal from a group of organizations collaborating on a project or program?