Impact100 Training Center Dedication – Rescheduled!

Rescheduled for February 22nd

Please join us celebrate as Crossroads Campus dedicates the Impact100 Training Center on its new Buchanan Campus.

Crossroads Campus, Impact100’s $100,000 grant winner in 2022, is a non-profit dedicated to providing job training and affordable housing for young adults (ages 18-25) teetering on the brink of homelessness. These individuals lack the vital career skills necessary for stable housing. At Crossroads, young adults forge nurturing bonds with abandoned dogs and cats while acquiring pet-related job skills crucial for long-term employment.

The transformative influence of the Impact100 grant is evident as young adults gear up for high-demand pet grooming jobs, offering annual salaries between $60,000 and $80,000. In recognition of this life-changing philanthropic investment, Crossroads proudly dedicates the Impact100 Training Center on its new Buchanan Campus. This grant is actively breaking the cycle of poverty, joblessness, and homelessness among young adults in Nashville.

Crossroads Campus
(New Buchanan Campus)
1757 16th Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37208
