Dear New Impact100 Nashville Member:
We are so excited to welcome you to Impact100 Nashville and anxious to get you as involved in the group as you wish to be. We were so looking forward to meeting you at the upcoming New Member Orientation on August 25. Unfortunately, the COVID Delta variant surge has changed the landscape to where we believe it most prudent to hold the event virtually instead of in person. To that end, below is a registration link for the virtual new member orientation to be held via Zoom on August 25 at 5:30 pm. When you click the link below, you will be registered and will receive in your email the Zoom log in information.
Register here:
If you attended the orientation on August 4, you are good to go and do not need to attend (though you are welcome to attend to “meet” other new members).
We look forward to “meeting” you on August 25 at 5:30 pm.